At Entexts, Our Writers will give you an original well-written document based on your instructions. Our Editors will enhance your document’s quality and make it error free. Our Transcribers will convert your audio recording to a written document.
Our custom writing service professionally crafts documents and contents for our client making sure that they meet the requirements provided by our clients. Our writers are from different professional backgrounds. You give us your requirements and we help you communicate in writing.
Our editors goes through your document, making it sound natural to and English reader. Wording mistakes, formatting and other document issues can lead to miscommunication. Our Editors ensure that you communicate the intended message to the reader.
Our transcriber helps to convert an audio into a written document. Many people find it hard to understand native English speakers. Maybe they speaker is speaking too fast or you can understand the accent. Our Team will convert the audio to a document, helping you understand the speakers message. The provided copy combines grammar accuracy and language precision.
Our team is comprises of writers from different professional backgrounds. Applying their knowledge, they craft an original document or edit it as per the clients requirements.
Time is everything. Our clients are required to set a deadline for their orders. Our team makes sure to provide it strictly before time to make sure that your business is on track.
Our customer’s information is handled confidentially and is never shared with a third party. Our privacy policy guarantees your information is safe at all time.
Our customer’s information is handled confidentially and is never shared with a third party. Our privacy policy guarantees your information is safe at all time.
Our writers, editors and transcribers are guided by quality and service. We listen to our clients, advise where necessary and provide solutions. In each completed document, lies the values of our brand which is synonymous with trustworthiness and quality. Below are a some of our services.
We’ve made the ordering process as simple as possible. Here are the steps:
Specify the task as either custom writing, editing or transcription. Set the deadline and № of pages/words/slides or minutes for transcription. You can also upload files with instructions. For transcription, upload the recording.
Once your paper is ready, it will undergo a final quality check and then you'll receive a notification via email. Have a look at it and tell us if any revision is needed.
Rate our services and leave comments about the paper received. We love hearing from you as your satisfaction is our priority.
Get 5% off now and 10% back after your first order is ready.
Below are the most common questions from our new customers. You can also visit our FAQ section for more.
Sure! We’re a completely confidential service. Plus, we do not require a lot of information to provide you with the service or process the payment. Your safety is our priority. We have a Privacy policy document that protects your rights as a customer and we’ll never share your data with anyone.
Head to our order form and fill it in all the instructions you have. Giving all your document details and requirements to us at once will minimize time spent on possible clarifications, so the writer, editor or transcriber can start working on the order immediately after the payment.
You can choose several ways to pay for your order, depending on the region of your residence. You can pay both with your credit and debit cards – Visa or Mastercard – as well as choose the payment method offered in the order form. If you have any troubles paying for the order, contact our Agents in chat, email or by call.
Absolutely! Whether it is your personal information or card details, they are never stored anywhere or shared with anyone. We care for your security and privacy.